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NOTE: These docs are under active development 👷‍♀️👷

Subgraph Uncrashable is available as a standalone npm package or using the Graph CLI as an optional flag.

Graph CLI

graph codegen [options] [<subgraph-manifest>]

-h, --help Show usage information
-o, --output-dir <path> Output directory for generated types (default: generated/)
--skip-migrations Skip subgraph migrations (default: false)
-w, --watch Regenerate types when subgraph files change (default: false)
-u, --uncrashable Generate Float Subgraph Uncrashable helper file
-uc, --uncrashable-config <path> Directory for uncrashable config (default: ./uncrashable-config.yaml)

Run the graph uncrashable codegen via the Graph CLI:

graph codegen -u

Standalone npm package

The Subgraph Uncrashable tool can be installed using npm or yarn:


npm install @float-capital/float-subgraph-uncrashable


yarn add @float-capital/float-subgraph-uncrashable

Run the graph uncrashable codegen as a standalone package:
